Give today to sustain our community vision for San Damiano! image

Give today to sustain our community vision for San Damiano!


San Damiano possesses extraordinary environmental, historical, cultural, and recreational value for our community. We remain steadfast in working together to sustain our community’s vision for the property.


This year marks an important milestone in the history of the property known as San Damiano Monona. After more than one and half years, three public information meetings, three surveys, dozens of public steering committee meetings, and other forms of engagement that included more than 6,000 individuals providing input on the future of the property, the Monona City Council unanimously approved a comprehensive master plan that will be implemented over the years ahead!

Thanks to you and thousands of others, this plan will provide accessible paths to people of all abilities, parking, outdoor classrooms, natural play areas, access to and from the water, natural landscaping, and a multipurpose all-season facility. These amenities will bring visitors of all ages and abilities to this lakeshore property enjoying a serene, natural environment within an urban setting.

This year also marks a pivotal time when the Friends of San Damiano will spearhead exciting programs on the property along with partners all spring, summer, fall, and winter. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our many biergartens, clean up days, bird-watching mornings, our annual fundraising gala: Celebration on the Shore, or the inaugural Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival.

Your support helps us to:

  • Care for and maintain the property
  • Continue offering free community programs
  • Lay the groundwork for a capital campaign
  • Achieve the community’s vision

Please make your gift today.

Thank you!